That's Bold of You

That’s Bold of You is a call to unlearn the labels society has put on you - difficult, sensitive, intimating, crazy, too loud, too quiet, too independent, etc. - and embrace being your own version of “too much.”

Let go of who you’re NOT:

… the labels that don’t define you

… your past and the weight it carries

… the timelines given to you

… expectations of who you’re supposed to be

… pressure to be “normal”

… so you can embrace who you really are.

That’s Bold of You presents a mix of Case Kenny’s signature mindfulness alongside science-backed research to help you let go of self-judgment and harness your boldest energy in all facets of life.

  • You have this one life… don’t spend it trying to be everyone’s cup of tea.

  • You are entering a new chapter where you ask for more... and you get it.

  • You deserve to receive the same energy, honesty, and effort you give.