· By Case Kenny
Is love worth the risk?
Is love worth the risk?
Is it worth the risk of heartbreak, frustration, feeling lonely or unwanted?
Objectively, I think most people would say YES. But lately I’ve just seen so much negative content on social media that I think we all need to hit reset and come up with a more self compassionate answer to the question "is love worth the risk?"
I think a lot of people have given up on love and connection.
I see those people and the experiences that hurt them and I see them turn around and define any future potential based on that experience. I see them define ALL men by the few men who hurt them.
I see them define ALL women by the women who hurt them. I see them make sweeping, negative assumptions and conclusions about life, intention, and honesty based on the specific people who hurt them previously.
When someone hurts you, when a couple people hurt or disappoint you and you turn around and say all other people will hurt you and everyone will disappoint you... why would love be worth the risk?
If everyone is the same... why would love be worth the risk if there was no potential for a compassionate outcome?
By that logic it kinda wouldn’t be, would it? If you define the future by the past... If you generalize all people based on the specific few who disappointed you...
When that’s the case love isn’t worth the risk...
But it’s worth the risk if you’re willing to hit reset.
It’s worth the risk if you rid yourself of your human inclination to define the future by the past. It’s worth the risk if you rid yourself of your human inclination to generalize based on past experiences.
We have to learn to get to a place where we can be hurt, disappointed, or let down BUT not tie that experience to other people. Love is always worth the risk when we come back to the truth that one person’s poor intentions are not someone else’s.
One person’s lack of honesty is not someone else’s.
One person's mistreatment of you is not someone else's.
Love is worth the risk when we find the strength to wipe the slate clean every time.
Otherwise, why would it be worth the risk?
If everyone is the same, if every man is dishonest and only wants to sleep with you, if every woman is crazy and just wants your money… then why would love be worth the risk?
It’s a painful fact about life that you will come across people who hurt you. Maybe that has happened multiple times to you?
But to turn around and say that all people are that way? When that’s your conclusion, love is not worth the risk. How could it be?
Love is worth the risk when you learn to wipe the slate clean after being hurt.
Love is being hurt but being willing to try again.
When you learn to look that experience in the eye and say they were wrong for what they did but not everyone will do that, love is worth the risk.
When you learn to look that experience in the eye and say that experience was frustrating for how it happened or didn’t happen, but not every relationship will be that way, love is worth the risk.
When you learn to look that experience in the eye and say that experience was draining and I gave it everything I had but it wasn’t enough, BUT I’m willing to try again… love is worth the risk.
Can you live through something disappointing or that you didn’t deserve but NOT project that into the future?
Take back your power.
Take your power back from patterns, cycles and disappointing outcomes.
Take your power back by wiping the slate clean, bring with you new standards and perspective but leave room for hope.