By Case Kenny

You don’t need to explain yourself

You are free to do something simply because you want to. End of sentence. No more explanation required.

You don’t need to justify your passions, your hobbies, your outfit, what you eat, drink, or what you do.

You don’t need to justify your decision to continue being single, get in a relationship, quit your job, move cities, etc. It’s okay to do those things for yourself and that’s it. Simply because you want to. Period. Nothing more. Nada. Nope.

You want to do something? You want to try something? That’s enough reason. Start there. No other reason needed.

That’s the vibe and it’s powerful.

  • You want to throw an 80s theme party? Do it simply because you like the 80s.
  • You want to write a book on 17th century apple picking? Do it simply because that interests you.
  • You want to know what it’s like to bench-press 225? Do it simply because you want to.
  • You want to move to Miami or LA simply because you’ve always wanted to live by the beach? Do it simply because you want to.

I know it’s not always possible to think like this. I get that life isn’t that simple, that you have responsibilities and life is complex. And this isn’t some narcissistic thing. But this idea is just so freeing to me.

When it comes to things that make you happy, fulfilled, curious, engaged, etc… you first should approach those things from your own heart and soul.

And that means… take feeling guilty out of the equation. Take rationalizing your self worth out of the picture. Take self consciousness out of the picture. It’s ok to do things in life for the simple reason that it makes you happy.

Do it for you.

  • Don’t worry about if it will lead you to being recognized or cheered for or applauded.
  • Don’t worry about it if people will think it’s silly or a waste of your time or immature or childish.
  • Don't worry about if people think you’re making the wrong decision.

You don’t need a reason to start something or try something other than you simply want to. You don’t have to justify anything about it right now.

Simply start something because you want to. It can be anything big or small.

  • If you want to go to a movie alone do it.
  • If you want to go sit in a park alone do it.
  • If you want to start a blog or a podcast because you think it’d be cool, do it.
  • If you want to start playing golf when you’re 45, have at it.
  • If you want to dye your hair blonde, give yourself bangs or totally change up something about your appearance, rock on.

Why? Simply because you want to.

Far too often we handcuff ourselves by not letting “I want to” be reason enough for something. We tend to discount that as a reason to do something that interests us or to go at something alone.

We always try to justify our decisions based on whether we deserve to do something or whether it will be accepted or whether it will be frowned upon or laughed at.

I think your motivation to do something should start with a simple because I want to. Because it interests me. Because I’m curious about it.

Let THAT be your starting point. No recognition required as a starting point. No money involved as a starting point. Nothing about your parents, your employer, your ex, etc.

That’s the vibe.

Do it simply because you want to and see where it takes you.

  • You want to start looking for other jobs because you want to? Have at it.
  • You want to pick up a new hobby because you want to? Have at it.
  • You want to do something creative because you want to? Have at it.
  • You want to be single simply because you enjoy the time alone? Have at it.

Do it for you and see where it leads you. Don't be afraid to do something simply because you want to. Don't be afraid to try something. Don’t be afraid to start something simply because you want to.

You don’t need a 10 year plan attached to it. You don't need more rationale than simply wanting to. You don't even need to tell anyone else you’re doing it.

Do it for you simply because you want to and see where it leads you.