· By Case Kenny
How to enjoy the moment
Regret sucks.
It sucks to look back and realize you didn't do what you said you wanted to do, you didn't say what you should've said, you didn't move cities when you wanted, you didn't start that business, etc.
But regret in life doesn't only come from that. No, it comes from something far simpler and it's something you 100000% can control.
Regret comes from not enjoying what you have while you have it.
A year from now, 5 years from now or 10 years from now you will regret not enjoying what you have TODAY.
But I have great news for you! :) It’s not too late to enjoy what you have while you have it. It’s not too late to just be happy - for no reason whatsoever.
Your biggest flex in life is to be happy for no reason.
Because you’ll NEVER regret that. You simply won’t! It’s literally impossible.
I’ve realized that not everything needs to be some big moment in order to appreciate it.
- Not everything needs to be controlled or thought out.
- Not everything needs to be fixed.
- Not every happy moment needs to be with someone else.
- Not every happy moment needs to be tied to a finish line.
You can enjoy, appreciate and be grateful for the moment you have right now.
I’ve learned this because frankly I regret not appreciating some things in my life.
- I regret not appreciating how simple my first 9-5 days were in Chicago, how few worries I had, how much potential I had in my life. In those moments I was so obsessed with being successful and making more and more that I didn’t enjoy what I had.
- I regret not appreciating the simplicity of being single in my mid 20s, how carefree I was, how literally free I was. In those moments I was for some reason so focused on finding someone. Dude… there was no pressure, why didn’t you just appreciate the moment?!
- I regret not appreciating my 20 year old body LOL… how I could party all night and be fine the next day, how I could go 100 MPH and be fine…. I was so focused on other things - wanting to put on muscle, workout and just get bigger and better and more in shape.
- I regret not appreciating my friends, the small things I owned, the simple trips I took to Michigan or Indiana… because I was so obsessed with this idea of deserving more - more of everything, more fiends, more money, more extravagant vacations and trips.
Feel me? Hindsight is 20 20 but this is a HUGE truth.
You will regret not appreciating what you have while you have it. You can be happy TODAY - matter how many looming questions surround you, no matter how boxes you still have unchecked and no matter the things that are currently making you feel anxious.
It’s not too late for you to enjoy what you have. It’s not too late!
You CAN enjoy this moment. Because it’s a moment you have and you’re living in it… and yes, there are things you’re working on. Yes, there are things you’re working towards.
Yes, there are things that stress you out. Yes, there are things that are "wrong" in your life. But in the grand scheme of time… there’s nothing SO BIG that needs to be fixed RIGHT NOW that you can’t enjoy what you have today. There’s nothing you need to replace or upgrade RIGHT NOW. There’s no elusive future truth that prevents present gratitude.
Being genuinely happy for no reason is a serious flex.
You can be happy for no reason. You can be light and free for no reason. You can smile for no reason. You can enjoy what you have even if you don’t have answers.
Don’t question what you have right now. Don’t question who you are right now. Don’t question the path you're on right now. Trust me… you have a lot of path ahead of you :)
But you’ll never get this moment back, so enjoy it.
Enjoy it even if you feel incomplete. Enjoy it even if you feel unsure. Enjoy it because you don’t need fixing.
- If you’re single, enjoy it. One day you won’t be.
- If you’re just starting in your career, enjoy it. One day you’ll be so much further along than you can imagine.
- If you’re between jobs, struggling to find your place… appreciate the openness and freedom you have. One day you’ll have found your place.
- If you’re healthy and have everything you need right now… enjoy it.
Being happy for no reason is the biggest flex.