· By Case Kenny
You're going to surprise yourself
You're going to surprise yourself... in every sense of the word.
You're going to surprise yourself with what you’re capable of doing, with what you’re capable of saying and with the changes you’re capable of making.
You’ve done it before and you’re going to do it again.
If you were to look back and be honest with yourself... you’ve surprised yourself in the past. A lot.
You thought you had reached a dead end. You thought you had reached a final chapter. You were convinced you didn’t have what it takes. And yet you broke through. You broke through what you thought was the end, was a limitation or was a huge insecurity.
- You spoke up when you usually stayed quiet.
- You stood up for yourself when you usually didn't.
- You volunteered to go first when you never do that.
- You made the job change, that city change, you said no when you usually say yes, yes when you usually say no, etc. You surprised yourself.
That's proof of what you’re capable of doing in the future.
Make THAT your goal - to look back and be able to say… WOW, I surprised myself. I surprised myself with what I did even when thought I couldn't do it. I surprised myself with the things I was willing to try, the words I was willing to speak and the changes I was willing to make.
You are capable of surprising yourself.
Once you realize that and embrace your ability to do that, there truly will be no dead ends for you, there will be no final chapters, there will be no silence when you want to speak up… because you WILL surprise yourself.
What a powerful realization that is!
Know that despite your self doubt, despite your overthinking, despite your lack of confidence - you can and you will surprise yourself. You will step up to what you’re capable of doing and that journey begins with the simple act of surprising yourself.
Surprise yourself by doing the opposite of what you normally do. Say what you only normally think. Take action on what you usually only dream of doing. Surprise yourself.
THAT is the key to changing your life.
Those are little moments of doing the opposite of what you’d normally do. Those are little moments of stepping out when you'd normally step back.
You surprise yourself when you hear the voice of doubt telling you to stay quiet and stay still... and you show up anyway.
You do that because you recognize that what you want in life exists on the other side of small actions that surprise yourself.
It exists on the other side of moments where you decide to no longer hold yourself back.