· By Case Kenny
How to know if it's "meant to be"
In your career, in your dating life dating, in everything… how do you know if someone or something is meant to be or not?
How the heck do you know?
Ask yourself this: when I think about that person, that job, etc… is it bringing out the best in me? Or the worst?
Are they bringing out the best in me? Or are they bringing out the worst in me?
This is such a powerful question because you know your good qualities and you know your bad ones.
You know when you’re being neurotic. You know when you’re being an a**hole. You know when you’re being obsessive or possessive or desperate. You know when you’re acting our of anxiousness or jealously or you're being sleazy.
You know it!
And you also know when you’re being calm and free. You know when you’re being kind, supportive and trusting. You know when you’re being honest and truthful.
You can tell the difference because you know yourself.
In dating.
When you think of that person… is he or she bringing out your best qualities or your worst qualities?
Ask yourself that. And answer honestly.
In your job or your career. Is it bringing out your best qualities or your worst qualities?
I can’t think of any scenario where something or someone brings out the worst in you... and it's meant to be.
Can you?
Someone who brings out the worst in you? Someone who makes you feel self conscious or insecure? Someone who makes you feel suspicious or desperate? Someone who makes you feel jealous? Someone who makes you feel desperate?
I don’t see how that person is meant to be.
This question has the power to give you clarity in your life.
The strongest sign is you… yes you. You're the one behind the wheel.
You have the answers you seek and a lot of the time they appear in the form of your best qualities or your worst qualities.
Are you more anxious around that person? Do you feel like yourself? Do you appreciate yourself more or less? Do you speak honestly and openly or do you find yourself hiding truths, or speaking in half truths? Are you kind and loving or apathetic and closed off? Are you desperate and trying to win?
Ask yourself: Is this person bringing out the best in me or the worst?
Is she meant to be? Is he meant to be? Is it meant to be?
Well... your actions and the qualities you live will tell you everything you need to know.