By Case Kenny

It's ok to let your guard down

It’s an important reminder that as much as you have the right and the ability to be confident, to know your worth, to trust yourself, to love yourself… there’s nothing wrong with you when you fall short.

You have the right to let your guard down.

You have the right to not know what you’re doing. You have the right to feel lost. You have the right to not have everything planned and be perfect. You have the right to be disappointed.

And what’s more… you have the right to not always be an amazing, centered, mindful and compassionate person.

You have the right to be angry, to be frustrated, to be upset that someone wronged you or hurt you, to feel embarrassed, etc.

You are human and you have the right to feel what you feel even if it’s not the way you should or even if you know you're capable of doing better.

You should never shame yourself for that.

- You have the right to be angry... even when you know you should just say wosahhh and go to your happy place.

- You have the right to be hurt... even though you know you shouldn’t take something personally.

- You have the right to struggle to let go of something or someone from your past… even though you know you should create your own closure and find peace.

- You have the right to feel wronged... even though you know you should just embrace the randomness of life and the imperfections of others.

You don’t need to be some perfect person who never gets down on themselves, who never feels defeated or who never gets upset.

That is not the measure of being your best self.

You’re human! I’m human! In the moment… there’s nothing to feel guilty or ashamed of. There’s nothing wrong with you for feeling that way.

We need to remember this. I need to remember this.

You don't always need to immediately put a positive spin on things like you usually pressure yourself to do.

We all try to force ourselves to be optimists.

- Got rejected? Ok cool well I’m not for everyone. It’s all good.

- Cheated on? Phew I’m glad I found out now instead of later. It’s all good.

- Someone criticizes you? It’s ok! I don't care about random peoples’ opinions. It’s all good.

You shouldn’t force yourself to just say those things if you don’t believe it.

You don’t have to put a spin on it in the immediate… you can do that tomorrow. If you need to feel… then feel.

- Got rejected? Ok that sucks! I’m going to be frustrated for a minute. I’m frustrated because I tried my best and it wasn’t good enough.

- Cheated on? That hurts! I didn't deserve that. That person hurt me.

- Someone criticizes you? That hurt my feelings. I’m allowed to be sensitive and take something personally for a hot minute.

It’s ok to feel those things. You have the right to feel those things. And you should! If you're constantly forcing yourself to put a positive spin on things, you’re going to ignore a lot of feelings that you need to feel. It’s healthy to feel those emotions.

If you’re a living breathing "live, laugh, love" sign you’re not experiencing what you need to feel.

Be human! Be a human who has the right to have good days and a human who has the right to have bad days.

And embrace both!

Don’t ignore them. Don’t shove them down and slap a smile on your face if you don’t mean it right now.

You can’t learn from something you ignore.

One more time.

You can’t learn from something you ignore.

You have the right to be happy - to be compassionate and to turn the other cheek, to be hot, attractive, to have some swag, to forgive, to learn from your past mistakes, etc.

AND you also have the right to be human - to feel hurt, to feel insecure, to feel angry, lost, etc. There’s nothing to feel guilty about. It’s not forever.

It’s not forever because you also have the right to heal and overcome… and you will.